Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Dialect Quiz

Where are you REALLY from?

               Do you call it "soda" or "pop? Do you call them "sneakers" or "tennis shoes"? Do you pronounce caramel "car-mil" or "care-ah-mel"? By answering questions like these, this quiz can detect where you are from in the United States. It's called How Y'all, Youse, and You Guys Talk, a dialect quiz developed by Josh Katz, a graphics editor for The New York Times. There are no right answers, no wrong answers, you just answer how you normally pronounce or say certain things.

               The quiz asks you 25 questions about what you call certain items or how you pronounce certain words. The answers they give you to choose from are tied to specific regions in the U.S.. There is always an "other" option just in case you don't have a term for something or if you've never heard of what is asked in the question.
                                                             Here's an example:
                 The answers that are given in each question are actual common terms that are used by most people in America. Soda and Pop are the most popular while the other options aren't as common and are usually tied to VERY specific regions of the country.

                  I have taken this quiz about 5 times and each time the questions were either always the same but out of order, not seen in the previous times I took the quiz, or appeared every time I took it, but every single result it gave me was 95% the same as every other time I took the quiz. I claim the city of Irvine, CA as my hometown as it is where I spent most of my childhood. Below is a result of one of the times I took the quiz which is identical to every other result I got:

                     The red areas on the map are where my answers are more frequently used while the blue areas are where they are less frequently used. Where it says Fremont, Corona, and Santa Ana/Irvine, that is where the quiz determines what I am "from" meaning those are the cities where most of (if not all) of my answers are the most commonly used.
                   It will then show you which answers pretty much clearly determined where you are from. I answered "firefly" which is more commonly used on the West Coast and I answered "freeway" which apparently is specific to the Santa Ana/Irvine area. See how amazing this quiz is?

                  My girlfriend, Monica, claims North Providence, RI as her hometown. She also has taken the quiz several times and these are the results it gave her each time:

                     Incredible, isn't it?! I highly encourage everyone to take this fun quiz and see where it pinpoints you on the map! Just answer honestly and use whatever terms you use today.

Here's the quiz!


A bubbler? Really?